Platypus Shovelface
The Platypus Shovelface split from its ancestor and started using its face to shovel for another kind of food—meat. Using electroreceptors it has developed in its platypus-like snout, it detects crestgills and other fauna burrowing in the sediment and digs them up before grabbing them with its long barbed tongue. Having no jaws, it swallows them whole. It will also happily consume various soft flora in a similar manner. As it is no longer exploiting the exponential growth of crystalmats and it has other species to compete with anyway, it has shrunk slightly to conserve energy and be less conspicuous to potential predators, especially while searching for food in the twilight zone.
The Platypus Shovelface is otherwise very similar to its ancestor. The size of its spikes and the shape and luster of its crystal-like butt are used to attract mates, it uses its face like a shovel to dig, and it lays thousands of eggs which are dispersed by water.