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The Praesugard has developed a new method of motion as a result of modifications to its hind limbs. Its rear feet have lengthened and its hind limb bears some resemblance to Terran grasshoppers. These limb developments allow the Praesugard to hop, moving up to 4 body lengths horizontally in a single jump. Successive jumping is made difficult due to their long necks, which tend to throw off their trajectories mid-jump and affect landing. To reduce this issue they will curl their neck into their bodies, but this is only partly effective at this stage. This hopping is still effective enough in evading predators so these drawbacks are not yet threatening to the Praesugard as a whole. When not hopping they move in a clambering motion, with one leg moving at a time in succession.

Another body part which has been modified in the Praesugard is the mouth. Their upper lip has extended into a small trunk, hanging 2 centimetres down from the extent of the lower lip. This trunk is lined with peg shaped teeth used to rasp the leaves of purple flora. Their coloration has shifted towards a more reddish pink with their blue sexual selection features becoming a brighter cyan and their eyes shifting to yellow. Praesugard congregate in large groups to mate and raise their young. These groups are composed primarily of females of multiple generations, usually mothers and their daughters. Males will remain solitary throughout their lives except for breeding season during spring. Male courtship is much the same as their ancestors, with display of their bright cyan teeth, mandibles and anal fingers. Once mated males will remain with the female until she has become pregnant, and then leave to continue their solitary life. Females will give birth to 2-4 offspring and care for them for up to 4 months, at which point males will leave to live solitary lives and females will remain with their mothers for several years.