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Krakow Island, isolated from the mainland by a barrier aquatic, has created the conditions that allow for life to not only flourish but explode in regards to genetic diversification. The Lizantor-of-Paradise is one such result of this evolutionary hotspot, a descendant of that amphibious pioneer, the linzor, that has split from it and forsaken the allure of the sea. Adapting to a terrestrial existence, this species has grown in size due to a lack of competition and an abundance of various gazebos and other crystal flora, as well a plethora of small fauna as well. As such, this species has evolved to become the largest living terrestrial organism on Krakow Island, though given that colonization of it has only just begun, how long they will retain this title is uncertain.

Evolutionarily speaking, this species has undergone several adaptations in order to thrive in a moist but terrestrial existence within the monsoon forests of Krakow. Their hide is denser and contains minute keratin nodules, making them somewhat akin to the scales of their distant cousin the sagmalix, though being far less defined or structured. Their bones - and by extension, their limbs - have become denser and stronger in order to help support their weight long-term without the aided buoyancy of water, though it has come at the cost of reduced efficiency when it comes to swimming. Each limb ends in a trio of toes. These toes, which appear large and chunky looking, are padded in order to help the lizantor-of-paradise to spread their weight about when walking. Of interest is the increased keratinization of the epidermis of these toes compared to the rest of their bodies, making them sturdier and less flexible, but also better protected.

Because they no longer return to the water, the gills no longer function as they once did. They have effectively become vestigial instead, but as evolution routinely shows us, not functionless. Now they have been adapted into vibrant, colorful structures - known as "gillafrills" - utilized for attracting mates, displaying their health, and warning off potential rivals. It's a peaceful solution in order to avoid fighting over territories and mates, but sometimes violence cannot be avoided. Because of this, their lateral jaws have grown larger and splintered into two points each. As they have no predators to worry about, and as their only rivals are their own kind, their existence on Krakow remains not entirely a peaceful one. This has also led to their eyes rotating to face forward, as the previous orientation of their eyes served little function when there was nothing to threaten them beyond themselves.

Perhaps the most notable evolutionary adaptation for this species is the development of hearing, which is nearly a necessity for a terrestrial existence where vibration must be detected without the aid of an aquatic environment. However, the linzantor-of-paradies has achieved this via a different route, at least when compared to others that have achieved this evolutionary feat. The structure most analogous to an "ear" in its terrestrial cousins have, in this species, not developed outwards but inwards. Instead of connecting to the former gill structures as they do with their kin, they remain as separate structures. In this evolutionary case, it is the mouth which acts as a resonator, with the tissue closest to these "ear cavities" being thinner, allowing them to detect sound via the vibrations of the delicate bones hidden within.

The linzantor-of-paradise are considered to be life-history omnivores. When they are but juveniles, newly born and less than 20 cm long, they are purely carnivorous and feed exclusively on the various small fauna that inhabit their range, such as the numerous species of tropical warmbuns and the like. As they mature, however, their diet begins to shift to a purely herbivorous one instead. While the extra protein was necessary to facilitate their growth and development, it was no longer necessary once they were fully grown. The crystal leaves of the various gazebo species proved to be a tantalizing food source to exploit. As they gorge themselves throughout the day, their guts - aided by strains of gut-dwelling denitrifying detritis - tirelessly work at breaking down their fungal-cored meals. Because of how much they need to consume, evolution selected for development of additional stomach chambers, leading to a total of three which all contribute to the physical and gastric breakdown of crystal flora.

Males are larger than females, and often bear the scars of past battles on their hides. Females, meanwhile are smaller and have less vibrant but still altogether colorful "gillafrills", as they serve as indicators of health within themselves as well. Mating occurs year round, with the following pregnancies lasting typically anywhere between four to five months. A dozen or so tiny young are the end result of this, and are rarely shown any amount of parental care beyond a warm den - dug out with the adult's lateral jaws - to be born in. The juveniles lack the lateral jaws of the adults, instead bearing but tiny nubs. These nubs will eventually grow and develop into two points each, but until then the young will have to rely on their bites in order to ward off potential competitors. Within a year they will reach sexual maturity, and within two more they will achieve their full size.

Despite sharing their territory with their distant cousin the corpse spardi, interactions between the two species have been fairly limited. The spardi are much too mobile for young linzantor to hunt, while older ones pay them no heed. They pay them such little heed in fact that they don't even mind when a dozen or so of their flying kin perch upon their backs, no doubt keeping an eye out for any potential food crushed underfoot by their "gracious hosts".