Segmentation of a body can result in various body forms. The Shearwyrm has replicated its body segments to grow in length. While its ancestor only had 5 segments, the Shearwyrm has 20 body segments. Each segment is supported by an internal skeletal ring composed of cartilage. The first two rings positioned at the head and gill segment have become ossified. The gill segment ring is much larger and serves as muscle attachment for its major body muscles. The head ring has changed shape as well and now serves as a connection point for the mouth muscles and a protective structure for the brain. Its gills are much larger than its descendants, helping it to fuel a higher metabolism and deal with oxygen poor conditions.
The Shearwyrm has taken to carnivory exclusively. Its radula has adapted into four independently moving mouthparts. The top and bottom sections are flat grinding apparatuses used to crush hard shelled fauna and grind up the food item. The side sections have become large grabbing pincers to hold and stab prey. The side pincers can extend out to half a centimeter from the mouth. This can be done rapidly so as to grab prey before it can react, shearing through any soft flesh in the process and grabbing tight hold of harder or spikier prey. Nautstars and their descendants are their main prey. Hedgestar and Striped Hedgestar are another staple of their diet. The spines are a deterrent to most carnivores but by using its pincers it can grab and manipulate the Hedgestar to expose its underside and feed from the belly without having to deal with the keratin spines.
Shearwyrms live throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of eastern Wright, and have expanded into the wetlands of many rivers in the region in pursuit of prey items.