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Scorpioworts evolved from wortopedes. Unlike their ancestors, larval scorpioworts no longer have a slimy worm-like appearance, instead looking like miniature adults. The reason for this adaptation is because the ancestors’ larval stage made them vulnerable to dehydrating more quickly; though this also had the side effect of them no longer being sequential hermaphrodites, but rather, being either male or female.

Scorpioworts have adapted into omnivores that hunt for meat and feed on small flora. In order for them to feed, three sets of their former limbs have modified and specialized for predation. The first set have become a set of mandibles that it uses to bring food closer to its mouth and consume it; the second set have evolved into mouth-parts that help bring food into its mouth; finally, the third set have become sharp pincers that are used to grab prey and tear flesh and plant matter into bits. Due to having three sets of derived limbs on its head, scorpioworts have evolved 3 sets of eyes on their heads as well.

To further help them find food, their “antennae” and “legs” have evolved chemo-receptors that help detect odor particles in the air and on the ground, acting as a crude sense of smell and taste for the scorpioworts. Their "antennae" in particular, have the highest amount of chemo-receptors in comparison to its "legs". They still use their heads to dig into the dirt as a means of escaping unfavorable weather, accessing water, or finding underground prey.

Unlike their ancestors, most scorpioworts have lost their capability for photosynthesis in exchange for better camouflage in their environment, but those living in rainforests retain green exoskeletons and are still able to photosynthesize in addition to hunting and scavenging. Those living in wetland areas tend to stick to drier land and sometimes fish for flutterwyrms and the occasional snoodceel that gets too close to the land. Desert-faring scorpioworts are typically nocturnal to avoid getting cooked by the harsh sunlight.

Scorpioworts have also evolved long spines on their tails that originate from its ancestor’s thorns, with the last tail segment having the longest spines and no eyes, due to lack of use. The scorpiowort uses its tail to stab into potential predators to protect itself from being eaten. Plus, as a side effect of this new defense mechanism, their tails do not have any legs on them.

All of these adaptations coincidentally make the scorpioworts vaguely resemble the scorpapedes of an alternate Sagan 4.