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Splitting from its ancestor, the Snoodceels have since made their way into the heart of Wright and firmly established themselves throughout the many rivers, streams, lakes, and swamps found within. It was a very slow process, often relying on seasonal flooding and the like, though on incredibly rare occasions, a few eggs may become stuck within the hide of a larger, terrestrial organism that then managed to reach another suitable water source within a day, less said eggs become desiccated and die. Now almost all current species within this genus are adapted to a freshwater existence, though several lineages have evolved independently to tolerate more brackish conditions, such as those that are to be found in coastal wetlands.

Snoodceels are carnivorous and will prey upon just about any organism small enough to fit inside their jaws, up to and including other members of their own genus. While hunting styles may vary among the numerous species, the most common of them is that of the ambush predator. Lurking among thick aquatic floral growths and stony structures, they wait until prey is senses, such as an unaware flutterwyrm or nautstar. When they close enough, they will lurch forward from their hiding spot and strike their prey, attempting to swallow it whole if possible, or tear off meaty chunks otherwise. Outside of this, the second most common hunting technique, which some lineages have "perfected", involves several individuals forming loosely associated shoals that attempt to swarm prey species and throw them into disarray, thus making them easier to hunt. All-in-all, however carnivorous diet has one flaw for the snoodceels. Because their stomachs have difficulty digesting the harder bits of their prey items, these materials tend to accumulate in their guts. To overcome this, snoodceels will routinely regurgitate bits of shell and ossified cartilaginous structures while in-between meals, thus dotting the river and lake bottoms with these remnants of past hunts.

Juvenile snoodceels possess similar hunting habits to those of the adults, though they tend to go after much smaller prey. While warmbuns tend to make up the majority of their diets - due both to their small size and their sheer plentifulness - many snoodceel species will also engage in filter-feeding at this young age. Gulping in mouthfuls of water, they strain out small bits of organic matter and tiny organisms to consume and digest.

Compared to their ancestors, the snoodceels are notably more elongated in terms of form, and are fairly "slippery" to handle, as they are prone to wiggling about ferociously in order to escape the grasp of their would-be predators. Due to their small size, this is not an uncommon threat for them, and this genus has evolved several adaptations in order to counter predation. The most prominent of these adaptations is the evolution of larger, broader fins for increased maneuverability, as well as small bony spike that extends from the tip of the first fin on their backs. Any predator attempting to swallow a snoodceel whole is in for a world of pain as the spike is likely to pierce into the softer flesh of the inner mouth or tentajaw. To make matters worse, some lineages are venomous and possess a venom sac attached too said spike. While their venom is unlikely to kill their would-be predator, the burning sensation it causes will make them forever think twice before trying to hunt another snoodceel again.

Reproduction no longer involves the snoodceels traveling upriver in order to lay eggs and then die from exhaustion. Instead, most snoodceels tend to spawn year round, laying several clutches of small, sticky eggs that cling to just about any surface they should land on. While the majority of adults show very little care for their offspring outside of spawning them into thick clumps of vegetation for their protection, some species will engage some minor parental care by constructing small nests - like divots, almost - in the mud and guard the eggs up until they hatch. Beyond that, they too will show no further attention to the resulting juveniles, and may in fact view them as food. Because of this danger, the juveniles of most species will engage in shoaling behavior for their own protection, and will often hide among the aquatic flora in an attempt to avoid being spotted. Those that survive this stage of their lives will often reach maturity and their full size within two to three months, depending on the species.