Lazarus Krakocia
Eventually, the derived endosymbiotic krakocian present in the Krakowhexia symbiotae managed to not only escape its parent cell but survive and thrive. One of the first things it managed to do, which secured its position, is that it developed an enzyme called Siliconease, which breaks down silicone and therefore allowed it to consume Siliconium and its descendants—a niche which was completely untouched. It is a predatory cell, much like the original Protokrakocia pentaflagellis, and it propels itself around in search of food with its 5 chemoreceptor-bearing flagella.
The Lazarus Krakocia is not a perfect copy of its distant ancestor, however. With all the time it spent as an endosymbiote, it has lost a portion of its genome and as a result has unusually low evolutionary plasticity. However, it also gained genes from its ancestral host which made it more tolerant of the comparatively high-oxygen conditions of the current day. What this means for its future fate and niche may not be possible to determine.