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Having split from its ancestor, the Cerberesi has taken a more specialised path. The psuedopods on one side of its body take the form of flagella-like structures, whereas the psuedopods on the other side instead take the form of specialised feeding implements, though they can drag the microbe if necessary. Primarily existing on the coastlines in which Photosagnia, its primary prey, resides, Cerberesi will usually remain close to the enormous Photosagnia 'clouds' that often form at the sea surface. Due to the rapid multiplication of their target, a very large number of Cerberesi can sustain themselves on a single cloud by picking at the Photosagnia at the edges. The organism will simply swim through the edge of the cloud, engulfing large numbers of its prey by spreading its 3 feeding 'heads'. The Cerberesi will continue to feed on the Photosagnia and breed nearby until their numbers become great enough to consume them faster than they can reproduce.

Due to its 95% Photosagnia diet, the Cerberesi is a pinkish-purple colour as it absorbs its prey item's bright purple tint. Its ravenous consumption of Photosagnia has notably made it a critical part of the ecosystem, as it keeps the rapidly multiplying microbes in check. If it swims too far away from a cloud to find its way back, or if a cloud is totally consumed, it will swim downwards, either into the midsection of the ocean or all the way to the seafloor, where it will be able to scavenge and consume microbes such as Protosagania, Binucleusdetritivorus and Krakowhexia symbiotae, or on the smaller Photosagnia groups that can be found on the seafloor should it be able to locate them.

Using the 3 primitive light receptors in its pseudopods, Cerberesi can easily find its way towards the sea surface from the ocean floor. Likewise it can travel towards the sea floor by swimming away from the light. Using this in conjunction with its chemoreceptors, of which is has many, also within its pseudopods, Cerberesi is able to feed on other microbes until it is able to locate a new cloud of Photosagnia, at which point it will travel towards them.