Branched Shev

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The branched shev split from their ancestors as they began the migration out into the Vailnoff ocean. It is much the same colonial structure as its ancestor: many individual shevs with mortared together shells, growing into a large structure. The individual cells are much smaller than their ancestors. This is to accommodate the increased size of the colonies.Their foot pseudopods produce aragonite in layers below each shev, building the colony upward very slowly over time, taking up to 30 years to reach full size. They have begun growing branches, which increase their surface area to allow for increased feeding success. These branches are durable, but brittle enough that if sufficient force is applied they will snap. These branches can potentially form new shev colonies. However, they still primarily reproduce through sexual budding and cysts. The biggest adaptation is within the earlier stages of their life-cycle. In situation of overcrowding, low minerals, or food scarcity, the branched shev juveniles will develop a flatter, more ribbon-shaped form, allowing them to float freely on the ocean currents. These forms are barely motile, but are capable of slight wriggling, and will stay that way until change lands them in more appropriate substrate.This is a sort of last resort effort, as it expends a majority of their reserves to do this. The vast majority of juveniles die, but the sheer volume of cysts mitigate issues.