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As the millennium progress, the branched shev reefs slowly began to spread out into the greater Vailnoff oceans. Finding an open environment rich for populating, the ancestors of the shevalcyon spread far, capitalizing on both the lack of predators and the new potential of the warmer waters. They are found in all tropical and subtropical waters of Wright and Fermi, but their greatest concentration is in the Anning Reef, where they make up the bulk of the reef's mass. These populations support a large diversity of life, providing shelter for organisms and providing a buffer which protects shorelines form storms.

They have specialized into the role by having the individual shev polyps shrink further. The shrinking allows for not only an increased reproduction rate, as they need less resources and reach sexual maturity much quicker, but an increased ability for the branches to form more intricate shapes. These more branched patterns allow of an increased surface area, allowing for more effective filtering of plankton. The branches are inflexible but not particularly durable, and with enough force a branch can be broken off. While detrimental in the short term, this can have the added benefit of acting as a method of asexual reproduction, as the severed branch if rooted correctly can form a new shevalcyon colony. While they are capable of asexual reproduction, their main method is still sexual budding and cyst formation. Both methods allowed for the rapid spread of the species.The two methods work best in tandem during times of scarcity and over crowding, this ribbons floating in the ocean currents to farther shores, and branches catching on larger organisms or in storms and being potentially knocked to new rooting sites.