Tundra Kralptus

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The tundra kralptus evolved as a result of some kralptus migrating south. In order to survive the cold, dark winters, the tundra kralptus has developed darker pigmentation and a short and stout body plan. The dark green photosynthetic pigment in its crystals allows it to absorb more light and heat than its ancestor. Its shorter and stouter body plan combined with its thicker cell walls provide extra insulation, allowing it to trap heat with greater ease. The cell walls of the tundra kralptus' crystals and segments are impregnated with silicon grains, allowing them to conserve nitrogen that otherwise would have been used to create chitin. Tundra kralptus are slow-growing and hibernate over the winter, allowing them to better survive in their nutrient-poor environment.

Tundra kralptus reproduce in the same way as their ancestor. They will drop their gamete pods while the topmost layer of permafrost thaws. This provides the gametes an abundance of water to swim through. Mature tundra kralptus will produce countless gamete pods, increasing the chances of fertilization. Tundra kralptus can only successfully germinate on the remains of decaying plant matter, and will often grow in the same place of purple cushions.