Termite Arthrothere

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The beach arthrotheres of Termite have undergone some minor changes to suit their environment. First of all, they have undergone some dwarfism to cope with the small amount of space on their new island habitat. This has allowed them to gain massive numbers within a relatively small space. Due to the lack of any predators on the island, they have become quite slow and have adopted an insect-like sprawling gait. This lets them spend less energy on walking, instead using it primarily to reproduce.

Instead of eating miscellaneous carpozoans and binucleids like their ancestor, these arthrotheres have switched to eating the abundant variety of mycostrum on the island. They use their spade-shaped jaw and claw-like antennae to scrape off pieces of mycostrum. They also supplement their diet with any unfortunate mycostrum knightworm, which is an unsurprising change considering their coating of mycostrum. This change in diet has allowed the more basal beach arthrotheres to stay on the island.

Termite arthrotheres’ patterning has also changed over time, becoming brown with light blue speckles. This helps them to attract mates, and indicates general health. A diseased or elderly arthrothere will not produce as much of the intricate structural coloring required for them to get their characteristic blue spots.