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The Tabletufts have taken their branching further and diversified into numerous species throughout the polar and temperate regions of Drake and Ovi. Each branch is capped with a plate, which can be angled towards light throughout the day. The location of individual species can be determined by their branch counts. Those with very many branches are usually species that live in very wet climates, while those with few branches usually live in dry climates. Competition with Violetflora in the Subtropical and Tropical regions of Ovi have prevented species of this genus colonizing into and past these regions. Montane environments show the greatest diversity of species, with their high tolerance for cold climates allowing them to occupy the majority of available space in Drake and Ovi's mountains.

The Tabletufts have a partnership with silica utilizing microbes in the soil, which assist in the Tabletufts' extraction of silica from the environment. This silica is used to provide rigidity to their stems and deter grazers. The use of this silica has reduced compared to their ancestor, with very thin chords of silica inter-spaced between the cells of their stems. Their plates lack any silica and thus are susceptible to grazing. This is mitigated by all species having multiple stems, and being able to regrow plates when they are damaged. Growth of a new plate occurs at the center of the old plate, with the damaged plate being recycled back into the organism as the new plate grows above it.

The Tabletufts have developed airborne spores, which are produced underneath their plates. These spores are haploid and all start as female. When a spore is blown off the plate by light breezes, the released spores will become male and if they happen to reach another Tabletuft of their own or a similar species, they will fuse with a female gamete and form a diploid zygote spore. This zygote will then be released into the wind to land and hopefully germinate a new Tabletuft. Both forms of spores are hardy, able to overwinter easily and with the zygote spore even having a silica outer layer for added protection from the elements. Lifespans of Tabletufts range from 1–10 years, with annual species being more common in dryer areas.