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Siluromoebas are a vast and diverse genus, with too many species to describe individually. However, they do have some general trends that are common throughout all species.

Siluromoebas have switched hosts from their ancestor. Instead of preying on carpolantans, its new target is the more complex siluros. This can range from aquatic siluros such as the common siluro to the golden notback. While these diseases aren’t nearly as deadly as the massive cish plague, they do have a range of effects. These symptoms can range from mild nausea to death within one month, depending on the species. Deadly specimens are usually rare, as they are usually adapted to keep their hosts alive so as to not run out of them. However, due to siluros’ generally weak immune systems, they are not going to disappear any time soon.

They have also lost their bioluminescence, as siluros generally are not bioluminescent themselves. Certain species can also survive outside of their host similar to their ancestors, provided they are near detritus such as dead or rotting cells, preferably of carpozoan origin. This mostly just applies to the species that infect the digestive systems of marine siluros.

This genus' original species first developed after a sick carpolantan was swallowed up by a basal marine siluro, where the protoviramoeba inside managed to survive. While early Siluromoebas were quite deadly on account of their recent zoonosis, many became more tame as they adapted to their new hosts.