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The Ramosemir has developed a growth pattern out of the ordinary for even the likes of its floral worm relatives. As an adult its tail will now branch into multiple sections forming a canopy of tail segments each terminating with a flattened copy of the original tails most posterior segment. This branching structure increases the effectiveness of its photosynthesis via the increased surface area it provides. The juveniles are much larger and bulkier, with adaptations dedicated to bulking up as much as possible. They have improved their mandibles such that they can chew through tough flora, broadening their diet significantly. They have also developed simple cup eyes arranged in a row along the back edge of their heads.

Their lifecycle is much the same as that of its ancestor. The adult Ramosemir will begin breeding after the first storm of the rainy season, releasing spores into the water dish formed by their front segments. These spores will develop into gametozoons which will wait in the dish until a juvenile wormflora passes the dish or drinks from it. They will then attach themselves to the juvenile, concentrating mostly between their body joints and mouthparts. They are generally harmless to wormflora juveniles but can become detrimental in large quantities. While inside a juvenile they will passively absorb nutrients, which may weaken the juvenile. Ramosemir juveniles, however, do not experience this weakening even when found to be carrying hundreds of gametozoons. These juveniles produce sugar rich fluids during the breeding season, which serve to nourish the gametozoons as they are transported to new dishes. Once transferred to a new dish by the juvenile, the gametozoons will mate and produce waterborne eggs. These eggs will hatch after a few days into small juveniles, which will exit the dish to begin feeding on anything they can find. Juveniles have two months to eat as much as they can until they transition to their adult stage and will search for food almost nonstop. They will regularly stop at the dishes of their species, as their respiration still requires their bodies are kept moist. After two months of hopefully successful gorging, they will bury themselves in the best location they can find. Their proximal segment will develop into the dish, while their tail will start to branch. After three months they will reach their full size and will begin reproducing come the next rainy season.