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The octocrystal evolved from a population of Binucleus Crystal Shrubs that colonized Darwin polar coast. These Binucleus crystal shrubs rapidly adapted to their new harsh environment, developing a thicker layer of chitin to insulate it. Its larger size also helps it retain heat, while its darker photosynthetic pigment allows it to trap more heat. This darker pigment also allows it to absorb more light. The pigment itself has taken a slightly more blue-green coloration, allowing it to absorb more orange wavelengths as well as the usual red wavelengths. While this dark green pigment allows it to absorb more light during the darker fall and spring months, it also restricts it to shallow waters, as red and orange light does not penetrate far into the water. They have also developed a rounder, stouter shape. This octagonal form allows it to absorb light more efficiently at more angles, which is an important adaptation in an environment where the sun could appear at many angles for prolonged periods of time. When the amount of light becomes too low for the crystal to perform photosynthesis, it will enter a state of dormancy. Because their environment lacks any detritus to feed on due to its habitat being largely barren, its fungal core and roots’ ability to produce enzymes has greatly diminished, as there is virtually no detritus to feed on. Octocrystals mate during the middle of the summer months, with whole populations releasing their spores in unison as means of maximizing the chance of fertilization. The timing of their reproduction also allows for their offspring to have time to grow before the winter comes. However, many new individuals will die in their first winter, as many young crystals have not grown large enough to properly retain their heat.