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The clubscythe has developed its scythes to be more robust and covered in small spins to better grab prey and manipulate food. Three flexible joints in the scythe give it a wide range of motion. The end segment, the actual scythe, is lined with spines on the inner side and has a smooth hard covering on the outside.

The Clubscythe has developed to be much more of a generalist. It will feed on most anything it can catch. Usually this is slow-moving or sessile organisms as the Clubscythe isn't fast enough to directly chase down prey. Ambush hunting allows them to catch faster prey provided they can find an outcropping to hide in. Clubscythes are able to produce a quick burst of speed to launch themselves at prey and hopefully catch them, but as with all ambush hunts, the success rate is generally low. Their most stable food sources are sessile organisms and scavenging off of dead organisms. The scythes allow it to easily tear off pieces of flesh from organisms as well as breaking their shells.

It has moved up into the twilight zone in search of more plentiful food. It possesses three pairs of eyes, one main set which sees in visible light, while the other two sets are sensitive to ultraviolet light. This gives the Clubscythe very clear vision in the twilight zone as well as assisting in detecting bioluminescence.

Their motion is predominantly benthic, usually moving along the substrate with their ten legs. These legs have become covered in exoskeleton to provide greater support. The exoskeleton of the legs is much thinner than the rest of the body. This provides the legs with near the same level of flexibility of its ancestor's limbs, at the cost of being as strong as the rest of the body's exoskeleton. When needing to move quickly, however, they can manage to swim with the use of their anterior segment which has become tapered and widened. Reproduction is sexual with males and females congregating yearly. Males fertilize the female's eggs as she releases them into the water. They will develop into a free-swimming juvenile which will develop into an adult when it touches down after a few weeks.