Caped Scrollcone

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This branch of Scrollcones have increased the number of leaves surrounding their body, and adapted to a drier climate. Their leaves have taken a different shape to maximize surface area, and is where their name, Caped Scrollcone, comes from. Their flesh has become somewhat more sponge-like to help contain things that are otherwise rare in drier climates, such as water. the flesh around their core is very porous, which helps store water and nutrients in combination with a waxy substance. Though mainly dependent on what population it is, Caped Scrollcones commonly range in size from 3–12 cm tall. Their leaves are bitter thanks to a toxin that has evolved to prevent getting eaten, though the flesh is more juicy and flavorful, the taste resembling that of a tomato, but the wax it contains may cause bowel obstructions. They tend to prefer drier climates, but will also thrive in environments with dead Scrollcones and other large sources of silicon, sometimes even growing over dead cores.