As the subweb spread across the globe on the bottom of matleaf mats, it spread to new environments and, in turn, came across new potential hosts. One of these hosts was the wormstem, whose u-shaped body made for an ideal location to form a new colony. However, the wormstem's lack of anchoring and tall stature made them prone to being knocked over by the slightest current, which did not bode well for the subweb's membranous structure, as it made its host even more prone to being knocked over. As a result, the subweb adapted to its new host, and ultimately evolved into the wormweb.
The wormweb has adapted to the wormstem's lack of stability. The web itself is filled with holes, which decreases the chance of its host being knocked over. This allows it to remain in the current, which allows it to maintain its prime feeding position. Because of these holes, the wormweb cannot capture larger organisms, like the wandering shellstar. When a larger organism collides with the web, it usually breaks into pieces. This, however, helps it spread, as the fragments will often catch onto other wormstems. If broken in a patch of wormstems, the fragments will often spread to neighboring wormstems. From there, the wormweb fragments will grow into a network that encompasses the patch, tying the wormstems together with a network of translucent webs. While this disrupts their hosts' photosynthesis, it also will tie the patch together, decreasing the chances of it being knocked over.