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As a population of rolyknights ventured south, they discovered a virtually untapped bounty of food in the cold, windy tundra. As generations came and went, the population that ventured to the tundra eventually speciated from their ancestors as they grew larger. And thus, the tundraknight was born. As a result of the relative abundance of food, the tundraknight is noticeably larger when compared to its ancestor, if only marginally. During the winter months, they make their homes inside purple cushions, eating small tunnels into the empty pockets between the branches. Despite this behavior, these feedings are typically the only times tundraknights eat purple cushions, as their diet still mostly consists of detritus.

Despite the size and behavioral differences, they are otherwise very similar to their ancestors. During the thawing period of the tundra, tundraknights congregate in large groups and spawn en masse as the ice melts. And a few days after mating, many of the adults die, leaving behind a smorgasbord of food for their young once they hatch.