Treehouse Slimefort

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A juvenile Treehouse Slimefort.

The treehouse slimefort carries almost all the features if its ancestor with only a few differentiating characteristics. As a juvenile The treehouse slimefort looks almost identical to the slimefort wormwort, still possessing rasping spikes to aid in food consumption and moving around independent of the use of lubricating slime. When the juvenile nears its adult stage, differences become clear. It starts when the juvenile develops gripping spikes on its underside which it will then often use to climb over things. Eventually the juvenile develops an urge to seek out places to climb up in order to find a nice high place to cling to and settle down on. When the time comes to start turning into an adult the juvenile will find a nice well lit high perch whether it is a rock or some large flora and stay there to start construction of a slimefort. Construction starts with the juvenile carefully making a base which the rest of the structure will be built off of. It creates the base by making the abdomen let go of the perch then rotating its abdomen side to side while secreting mucus. This behavior creates a sort of pocket in where it is safe for the treehouse slimefort to let go of the perch completely without falling. It will then continue to build the rest of the fort over the course of a few days until it is about the length of the organism's body, then it will rest and building slows down. Once the structure's length is two times the length of the organism the treehouse slimefort will then only build again when it starts to outgrow the fort in order to keep the proportions between fort and organism the same.

The treehouse slimefort still reproduces by the juveniles fertilizing the adults. The juveniles commonly fertilize any adult treehouse slimefort it comes across when it exhibits its climbing behaviour. The adults still produce pea-sized eggs. The eggs themselves have a soft cushioning layer as they are commonly discarded off of very high places and need to be more protected.