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The Thikasticker split off from its ancestor and made its way through the twilight zone to Vailnoff, soon reaching the shallows surrounding Wright and swiftly populating them to fulfill its scavenging niche. As there is more food here, it is puffier than its ancestor rather than being mostly flat, literally growing fat (through accumulation of lipids in its body) on whatever it finds. It is otherwise just like its ancestor; it crawls about on the seafloor using its many leg-like baits, it seeks out dead fauna and flora to feed on with its chemoreceptive patches at the end of each arm, it eats by pulling food to a stomach-like organ in its center using its locomotory baits, it reproduces by releasing a plume of gametes from its underside when it finds a suitable mate, and it has a brief free-swimming Leafstar-like larval stage.