Sentrok Flu

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As the various species of Glicker built up defenses against disease, an arms race ensued. The abundance and diversity of sentrok species were a perfect breeding ground for a new mancerxian parasite. This more sophisticated variety of arthrophage has undergone niche partitioning, targeting the reproductive organs specifically. As it hides in the inner tissues of the cloaca, it multiplies and eats away at tissue slowly but effectively. This activity is all hidden behind the cloacal sphincter, so the patches of damaged tissue remain well-hidden and protected until the sentrok mates. Sentrok flu is most often transmitted sexually, which is probably the most optimal for an organism that infects reproductive organs. Sentrok flu can go dormant for quite some time, and may not show symptoms for a few years. These symptoms often manifest as a pain or aching for the organism, but it manages to stay well-hidden despite it being a general constant problem for the host’s reproductive and digestive health. Sentrok flu is not usually fatal, but can cause lifelong problems for the organism it is infecting.

Other than its adaptations regarding its reproduction-related niche partitioning, it has undergone some general physical adaptations as well. It has gained a permanent vacuole that it uses to store enzymes, and its anchors and proboscis have been reinforced with fibers of bundled cytoskeleton. While they do not swim around nearly as well, they don’t really need to either. The host’s abdomen moving up and down can disperse this disease around its body well enough.