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Sagan 5
Image by Yannick

Mean Distance: 225967583.679 Km

Mean Distance: 1.5105 au

Mean Radius: 6307.290 Km

Mean Diameter: 12614.580 Km

Equatorial Circumference: 39629.872 Km

Surface Area: 2.4996 x 10^14 m^2

Volume: 1.051 x 10^21 m^2

Mass: 6.5374 x 10^024 Kg

Density: 6.22 Kg/m^3

Surface Gravity: 10.9652 N/Kg

Escape Velocity: 11.76101 Km/s

Solar Flux Density: 1013.34 W/m^2/s

Average Surface Temperature: 207.59K (-65.57 C)

Min Surface Temperature: 142.88K (-130.28 C)

Max. Surface Temperature: 275.01K (1.85 C)

Average Albedo: 0.52

Avg, Atmospheric Absorption: 19 %

Orbital Speed: 27.21363 Km/s

Orbital Period (It's year): 603.85 Earth days

Prisagan (Closer to Sagan): 1.482 au

Aposagan (Further from Sagan): 1.539 au

Orbital Eccentricity: 0.01887

Orbital Inclination: <1 degree

Axis Tilt: 26 degrees

Rotation Speed: 1333.15409 km/s

Rotation Period (Its day): 29.7264 Earth hours

A rocky terrestrial ice planet that occupies the outer cold edge of the habitable zone of Sagan.

Sagan V receives approximately 75% of the solar radiation that Sagan IV gets from Sagan. If it were not for its large molten iron core, thats 60% of its mass it would not have had access to enough internal heat to support a near hospitable environment for liquid water. This heat source has continued to promote volcanic activity at near upper northern end of the equator at 10 to 40 degrees latitude. This zone harbours hotspots of volcanic activity that have created a cascade of atmospheric islands. The heavy carbon dioxide churned out by these volcanoes sinks to lower altitudes creating a blanket of warmer currents that produce their own greenhouse effect. A warming that brings temperatures up to 1.8 C maximum, thats enough to sustain liquid water.

These warmer zones are rare when compared against the vast majority of Sagan V's icy surface. The northern and southern poles are submerged under large glaciated areas where temperatures can fall to a minimum of 143K (-130C). The equatorial tundra although warmer than the poles, a temperature average of 208K (-66 C) is still too harsh for sustaining life (extremophile bacteria may survive it). This is a double-edged sword. The high albedo of Sagan V's ice-caps reflects large amounts of the little solar radiation it receives from Sagan. However, the ice melt at the equator (and near northern volcanic regions) are able to sustain a short-lived seasonal supply of liquid water with evaporation feeding water vapor into the atmosphere.

Although there is plenty of oxygen trapped in the form of water ice, it is not known whether their is sufficient atmospheric oxygen to support life in this cold environment.