Prongleg Scaleworms

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The Prongleg Scaleworms have developed their body spines into mobile appendages which they use to pull themselves forward. This has greatly increased their mobility allowing them to move faster than their ancestor and to have the ability to climb. This has given them a competitive edge over their ancestor when it comes to predator evasion. They are common throughout Glicker and Barlowe and have developed various body forms to adapt to different regions.

All species are detritivores and will also partake in herbivory when available. Herbivory is most common among those species living in regions with abundant flora. Those living in arid regions are tan or sandy in coloration, flat in body, and will use their antennae to dig through the sand or soil to reach food or shelter. Those living among purple flora exhibit purple coloration and utilize their antennae to help tear into the soft flora. Montane and scrubland species are the most bulky and exhibit brown coloration. They have powerful antennae used to dig for food and find shelter. Those species living in crystal flora have matching coloration and utilize their antennae to create openings in crystal flora so as to reach their mycelial networks.

They are otherwise much like their ancestor. They will reproduce in freshwater, be it permanent ponds in wet climates or temporary sources in dry climates. Species living in temperate and polar regions will hibernate during the winter in deep burrows.