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Mosstring take on a very similar appearance to stickymoss, the only difference being mosstring having a much longer body than their ancestor. Mosstring no longer live on the chitinous bodies of arthrotheres. Juvenile mosstring have become independent of water, now only needing moist soil to inhabit. When turning to adults instead of seeking out something to climb like their ancestor, mosstring will simply stay put in any nice well lit space. Once this is done they develop all the usual features of adulthood as their ancestor, however, mosstring when mature change drastically in length. Similarly to its ancestor mosstring have a floral and faunal state, where if conditions are not right, they may become motile and move to a better spot.

Mosstring have been able to spread much throughout the adult range of its ancestor, because of their tendency of ending up in situations where juveniles crawl up on a sleeping organism and are then transported elsewhere.