Glitter Hedgestar

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The Glitter Hedgestar is overall remarkably similar to their ancestor. They function within the same niche, and anatomically are nearly identical, save for one important distinction. The females, when they are in heat, have begun to exude chemicals from pores in their skin that function similarly to a primitive precursor to pheromones that attracts mate. This adaptation allows the males to help distinguish between the sexes, providing a greater chance of mating success.

These proto-pheromones have had an unintended secondary side effect: they also attract Bioluminafasma. The chemicals they excrete quickly denature when exposed to water, breaking down into their chemical compounds, one of which is cysteine. Cysteine is an essential component in the synthesis of luciferin, which gives the bioluminafasma their glow. By utilizing the glowing planktons, they are able to attract mates from a wide distance, thus increasing mating probability.