Splitting from the cobblebell, the cobblesaucer has further evolved its ancestor’s size and cellular composition to becoming a multicellular floral organism. The cobblesaucer’s cells have become more specialized as two different forms. The outer cell layer has thick black cell walls composed of cellulose along with having specialized flagella that allow it to move through the water and catch decaying particles for its proboscises to suck up. The inner cell layer is composed of cells that are fully capable of photosynthesis. While it retains its ancestor’s photosynthetic capability, the cobblesaucer’s inner cells now contain carotenoids and peridinin inside of them. These carotenoids protect the cobblesaucer from the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays without compromising its photosynthetic capability, while the peridinin further enhances photosynthesis along with the side effect of making the inner cell layer a bright orange color instead of green like most floral organisms.
The cobblesaucer is no longer a parasite like its ancestor was. Instead, it relies entirely on a combination of photosynthesis and sucking up detritus with its proboscises. Cobblesaucers follow the movement of the sun in order to maximize their photosynthetic capabilities. At night, they rely more on feeding on the decaying particles in the water. Those living in the LadyM Twilight Zone and LadyM Twilight Slope rely more on detritus, but are still capable of photosynthesis in the upper regions. The cobblesaucer does retain some of its ancestor’s durability, which comes in handy whenever it gets washed up on beaches; when such an event occurs, it continues to photosynthesize and feed on detritus up until the surrounding water dries out, it then goes into a state of dormancy until there is enough water to wash it back into the ocean.