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Carpolinka evolved from carpolanta that initially formed unconnected chains. Physically, it heavily resembles its ancestor, albeit, twice its ancestor’s size. However, they do show some other physical differences along with two notable behavioral changes. The first of these physical changes being that the end of its tail has split into a forked shape, enhancing its swimming speed, so that it can increase the likelihood of it escaping would-be predators with short bursts of speed. The disc-shaped pockets have evolved into small pumps that increase its speed via propulsion along with being able to control its buoyancy much like its ancestor could, which allows the carpolinka to travel longer distances at a somewhat faster rate than carpolanta could. Lastly, its stomach has become somewhat larger, allowing it to take in more food to provide it with a little more energy.

The first major behavioral adaptation that it made has earned the carpolinka its name; for when groups of fully-grown carpolinka are gathered together, they are capable of forming large, fully-connected zoon rings. In order for these zoon rings to stick together, the individual carpolinka has evolved quasi-dexterous fins that produce a sticky mucus similar to that inside of its nasal patch. These zoon rings are able to synchronize by using bio-luminescence and releasing chemicals as a primitive form of communication. Being in these groups provides further protection from potential predators by intimidating them with their enormous size along with using their bio-luminescence to further disorient them. To move around, they synchronize their pumps to move the zoon rings in various directions.

The second behavioral adaptation is that whenever adult carpolinka are either only able to form unconnected chains, small zoon rings, have been cut off from their original zoon rings, or even unable to find any other individuals, they begin to reproduce via budding, allowing them to further develop their zoon rings at a fast enough rate to keep themselves protected from predators. Once the rings have reached anywhere from 1 meter to 2.5 meters in diameter, they reduce how often they bud and instead sexually reproduce. They do this by expelling their gametes into the water, which end up merging with one another and forming young carpolinka. Carpolinka also still sexually reproduce during times of environmental stress, much like their ancestor did.

Thanks to these adaptations, the carpolinka have spread further out from their ancestor’s home in the LadyM Twilight Slope up to the tropical and subtropical oceans and reefs of LadyM; sometimes, carpolinka can be found floating in coastal regions of eastern Glicker, western Ovi, and Dixon.