Binucleus Pseudo-Cyanobacteria

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Binucleus Pseudo-Cyanobacteria replaced their ancestor. Though undeniably eukaryotic (and, in fact, dikaryotic), without any sessile green cyanobacteria-like organisms these cells have effectively started to claim their niches. They have even become considerably more receptive to horizontal gene transfer, much like Terran bacteria. Larger species also exist, as large sessile green algae niches are also largely open.

The term "species" is being used rather loosely. Binucleus Pseudo-Cyanobacteria have developed a genetic recombination method in which two individuals will temporarily fuse into one to exchange genetic information, swapping parts of chromosomes in each of their nuclei. However, they can and will do this with any individual regardless of species, even between smaller cyanobacteria-like and larger algae-like species—and as simple microbes, they never encounter normal hybridization issues. This allows them to "hybridize" to adapt to new environments. In essence, though divided into several species for convenience, as far as reproduction goes they are functionally a single massively diverse species. As such, "species" will only be used for reference to those in differing niches and "strain" will be used for regional variation.

There are many strains of Binucleus Pseudo-Cyanobacteria. They can be found anywhere where there is water and sunlight, including the open ocean, rivers, lakes, mud, soil, beaches, and rainforests. The large algae-like species are more common in open spaces, while soils almost exclusively contain smaller species. Freshwater strains make use of specialized vacuoles to remove excess water, like many other freshwater microbes. Polar and desert strains can go dormant when there is no light or when conditions become too dry, respectively; for north polar strains in particular, they have obtained antifreeze proteins from Adorbalgae through horizontal gene transfer to help them survive icy conditions.