Auroroth Nautstar

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The Auroroth Nautstar has doubled in size and inhabits the pelagic twilight zone of the Vailnoff Ocean. It has adapted its internal anatomy to become a more active organism. Its respiration system consists of four cavities which each contain a ctenidium gill. Water is sucked into these cavities and then forced out to breathe. The openings of these cavities, henceforth called siphons, are located between the base of each tentacle and the force of water propelling out of the cavities provides the Auroroth Nautstar with a burst of speed when needed. Its digestive system is composed of a simple mouth which is supplied collected food by the tentacles. This mouth leads to a simple stomach and intestine which then empty into one of the gill cavities. Waste is thus excreted through one of these cavities via its siphon. The reproductive system is connected to the gill cavity directly opposite the digestive excretion cavity. Spores are released through broadcast spawning. The circulatory system is composed primarily of two large passages connecting the ctenidium to the heart located behind the stomach. Smaller passages extend throughout the body cavity to transport oxygen and nutrients through its body. Its blood is hemocyanin based and becomes blue when oxygenated. Its nervous system is composed primarily of the connections between the eyes located on the tentacles, and the brain located just behind the heart. The eyes have migrated from their position in their ancestor. Smaller nerve connections extend throughout the body giving the Auoroth Nautstar a highly developed pressure-sensing system in its skin, and adept motor control of its limbs. Its shell is split between its living body and the many cavities of its shell it uses for buoyancy. These cavities are filled with a lighter than water oil henceforth referred to as Naut-oil. These internal adaptations have developed so that the Auroroth Nautstar may better evade predators.
