Anchored Cryosagania

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With the water column being dominated by other planktonic photosynthesizers, some cryosagania took to the seafloor to take advantage of a largely unexploited niche. While some lay flat on the seafloor, others affixed themselves to the sediment in an upright position. These cryosagania ultimately gave rise to the anchored cryosagania. Like its ancestor, it has flagella and a stacked colony. However, unlike its ancestor, it has undergone an incredibly minor form of cell specialization. The anchored cryosagania has two types of cells. One, the foliar cells, serve to do little more than photosynthesize. The leaf-like structure of the foliar cells form is known as a 'Steve'. Meanwhile, the anchor cell keeps the colony anchored to the ground with a crescent-shaped protrusion. The anchor cell is also responsible for reproduction. Once the colony reaches its maximum size, it will begin to shed its oldest foliar cells, which morph into spherical proto-anchor cells. These cells then mature into normal anchor cells after landing on a piece of suitable substrate. After this, the new anchor cell will begin making a new colony. If a mature colony is uprooted, it will still continue to function normally, with its behavior closely mimicking that of its ancestor.