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Latest revision as of 23:21, 19 March 2024

Homashidis has adapted its fronds in a similar way to its relative the Busrota. Where Busrota adapted its fronds to be continuous fused dishes around its trunk, Homashidis has adapted its fronds to be continuous around the trunk, but only partially fused along the length of each frond. This adaptation allows more efficient regrowth of the fronds following grazing. This frond shape has the added benefit of reducing the accumulation of snow on the fronds, providing gaps for the snow to fall off when it accumulates. They can reach 1 meter in height, live up to 30 years, and will reach sexual maturity at 5 years. To deal with overwintering, they undergo cold hardening by moving nutrients from the fronds into the trunk. Their root system is broad and shallow, extending to nearly 1 meter from the base, which provides a stable anchorage and a large area to gather water and nutrients. They have transitioned their reproductive strategy to much that of their ancestor, the Homosa Fringeweed. Their sporophyte and gametophyte stages are identical in size and structure, with the only difference being the spores produced on the base fronds. All types of its spores are airborne and will drift off following rainfall to continue their stage of the reproduction.