This large tigris dagger descendant has further specialized for its lifestyle. Its 2 segments have become more optimized for photosynthesis, comprising a long, protective “stalk” as well as a broad, flattened “leaf”. As their bright warning colors partially impede their photosynthesis, their darker, vivid orange stripes house most of the photosynthetic cells. Their photosynthesis has granted them a rudimentary ability to “sense” light, as the direction of the sun influences how they grow. More equatorial individuals often grow with the flat side facing east/west, while northernmost ones grow north/south. They are usually somewhat solitary, but under tight competition they may form clusters of 2 to 8.
The bristledagger also possesses thick and sharpened setae-like quills. Each of these quills houses a poison gland, which when ingested or touched may puncture the organism and inject venom into the offender’s flesh. Their toxins are quite potent and specialized, often causing a searing pain or even killing the organism. Due to a general lack of predation, this species has become a common sight in the sunny areas of northern Glicker.